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      Pozitive Sign & Graphic Supplies


      Printing Method

      Piezo Ink-Jet Method

      Avg Power Usage
      Voltage / Frequency


      Max Amperage



      2,945 (W) - 730 (D) - 1300 (H) mm


      0.0 kg

      Included Items

      Stand, Power Cords, Media Holder, Replacement Blade

      Full description

      Before developing our latest TrueVIS with the goal of exciting hearts and minds, we researched the ideal performance required for sign and graphics production. The result of our efforts is a brilliant combination of super vibrant TR2 ink with new Green and Orange and the “True Rich Color” preset that maximises the potential of both printer and ink and enables you to explore uncharted colours for unprecedented gamut expansion, superior colour accuracy, and the unique ability to achieve both vividness and natural reproduction at the same time. The TrueVIS VF2-640 is the only printer that can offer the extraordinary Power to Excite.

      Extra product features

      Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut arcu libero, pulvinar non massa sed, accumsan scelerisque dui. Morbi purus mauris, vulputate quis felis nec, fermentum aliquam orci. Quisque ornare iaculis placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

      How to use / Applications

      Phasellus dignissim, tellus in pellentesque mollis, mauris orci dignissim nisl, id gravida nunc enim quis nibh. Maecenas convallis eros a ante dignissim, vitae elementum metus facilisis. Cras in maximus sem. Praesent libero augue, ornare eget quam sed, volutpat suscipit arcu. Duis ut urna commodo, commodo tellus ac, consequat justo. Maecenas nec est ac purus mattis tristique vitae vel leo. Duis ac eros vel nunc aliquet ultricies vel at metus. Praesent a sagittis leo. Maecenas volutpat, justo in egestas mattis, lectus dui venenatis ex, consequat imperdiet velit odio eget dolor. Mauris commodo cursus metus ut lobortis. Nulla eget facilisis nibh, et varius justo. Ut laoreet purus at neque lacinia tempus. Cras venenatis sed felis sed pulvinar. Mauris orci sapien, convallis scelerisque nunc id, molestie mattis lectus. Vivamus facilisis eu odio at vestibulum. Mauris id odio ut libero ornare finibus.

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